Home Staging Warehouse Tour
Mar 28, 2018
Hashtag Warehouse Goals! We are bringing you inspiration for stunningly stupendous staging storage. This week, thanks to a fantastic regional HSRA event, we had the opportunity to tour the facilities of Elite Austin. (Read our blog about How To Get The Most Out Of A Conference).
Valerie Pierce, President and Founder of Elite Austin, offered us a behind-the-scenes look at her beautiful new space and how she utilizes every square inch. Every stager struggles with how to maximize available storage, whether operating out of a warehouse, a storage unit, a garage, or an extra closet in your home. (By the way, those have all been part of our own staging journey). Here are some of the secrets from a pro.
Commercial racking soars 4 levels up and even space over the doorway is utilized with this bridge.
Every piece is carefully wrapped and clearly marked.
Little tricks can make a big difference. So clever to raise the bottom shelf under the headboards to allow space for rails to be tucked away.
The area under the stairs makes the perfect place for a glass rack. Rubber mats offer extra protection.
Somebody joked that you know you are in Texas when you need a rack for cowhides, but seriously - they are very on-trend everywhere. Fabulous in an urban loft! (I can feel another blog coming on here). Valerie’s storage solution doubles as a design feature of its own. She bought a $20 fence panel from Home Depot and secured it with L-brackets and zip ties.
A place for everything and everything in its place! Tools and supplies stand ready for duty in their assigned posts.
One of the ideas that we plan to try asap is the floral system. These rolling racks can be purchased from a wholesale furniture supplier.
I am telling you, this has to be the most immaculate and organized warehouse on the planet.
Pulling for stages must be a dream when everything is displayed so beautifully and logically. Every shelf bears a tag identifying its contents.
This is what happens when a designer designs their own workspace. Fun fact: Studies show that creativity increases in a white space.
Valerie’s keen awareness of branding is evident in the repeated look on her marketing, truck, t-shirts, and overall aesthetic.
What are your biggest inventory challenges? The Staging Design Professional® online course goes in-depth on making the smartest choices in selecting your inventory. Register today and get started immediately on the path to having your own successful staging business.
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